To help all researchers interested - as we are! - in understanding this spectacular species of bat, here we have compiled all the studies we have found on diet in Trachops cirrhosus. If you find any that we have missed, please let us know!
Leal et al 2018 Edson Silva Barbosa Leal et al review Trachops diet to date, including culled remains from two Trachops night feeding roosts in the semi-arid Caatinga scrublands of northeastern Brazil (one roost in located inside a toilet in a barn; the other in an abandoned house).
Leal ESB, Chaves LdS, Neto JGdP, Filho PBdP, Ramalho DdF, Filho DdQG, de Lyra-Neves RM, Telino-Júnior WR, de Moura GJB. 2018. What constitutes the menu of Trachops cirrhosus (Chiroptera)? A review of the species’ diet. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 13: 337-346.
Multiple natural history notes, adding new frog species to the menu of Trachops cirrhosus:
de Oliveira et al 2020 de Oliveira and his team captured a T. cirrhosus in a mistnet, with the frog Leptodactylus macrosternum in its mouth.
de Oliveira FV, Stumpp R, Nascimento-Costa MC. 2020. Predation of Leptodactylus macrosternum (Anura: Leptodactylidae) by the fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in southeastern Brazil. Notas sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos:2-5 PDF